As parents, do you wish you had an instruction manual on how to raise happy, confident, optimistic and great children who achieve amazing results in all aspects of their life? Fret not, your wish has been fulfilled! There is a revolutionary new process specifically for parents, available in Singapore, called The Goulding Process-SleepTalk™ for Children. Developed in Australia 40 years ago, by Joane Goulding, this process has since helped thousands of parents worldwide to raise happy, healthy and secure children. This process works for children from the ages of 18 months to 13 years young.Shanti Chainani from Royal Academy Pte Ltd is an Accredited Goulding SleepTalk™ Consultant and is here to give us her insight on this revolutionary positive parenting style. This process allows parents to instil powerful positive beliefs within their child’s mind. This allows the child to view the world from a position of healthy self-esteem, have a positive mindset and a healthy emotional attitude of being able to cope with life, school and deal with their day to day situations in a calm way. Through this, parents can also deal with common childhood issues more effectively. Tune in on ParentTown TV at 8:30pm on the 2nd of August 2016 on your mobile to learn more on how you can raise great children!
Answered 11mo ago
Is compassionate parenting similar to positive parenting?
How do I make my child understand that being punished is part of the growing up process and that he should take it seriously. Because no amo ... see more