I'm 8 weeks post partum and will be returning to work in 8 weeks time. when do i start building a stash for Baby? I'm an exclusively pumping mummy.

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Will you still be pumping at work after you return to work? My friends suggests that if you are still going to be pumping at work, there is no need to store too much milk, you can start one week prior to your return. If you are unable to pump as frequently at work, you may want to start 3-4 weeks earlier to build the supply. Just remember that stored milk generally can last for three months in the freezer.

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4 me, i started preparing ard a month 4 the fear of not enough supply. Also, when you go back 2 work, it does not necessarily means the milk is sufficient especially for pumping mothers. There may hv factors like busy at work and not able to pump at the same time causing a dip in supply, stressed, etc ...

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