when did you first talk to your daughter about periods? what is a suitable age now to discuss it, before she gets her first periods? my daughter is 9.

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My daughter is still too young to talk about periods but I do remember my mother informing about periods and talking about it. I was in 7th standard when I first got my chums, and she had already told me how it all goes and what happens. Since, many girls do get their periods by the age of 10, you can discuss it with her in a few months to come. Also, at what age you got your first period can also influence her timing. Also, you can check her syllabus, and see that in her science subject are they introduced with the chapter that speaks about menstruation. If yes, it will be easy for you to explain all. I was reading reports that girls who have more fat in their body or whose BMI's are more than their age tend to get their periods as early as 7 or 8. But, I don't know how much credibility these reports hold, as I have in my own home seen that my cousin who was skinny and had apt growth according to her age, and she had periods at the age of 10. So, you never know 100 percent what causes periods to come early or late, so I guess, if your child is mature enough to understand and take all the information without getting a little inhibited, then you can discuss with her, else wait for sometime. Or, better you can bring up the topic with other mothers and have a group of her friends together and can educate them. With friends it will be easy to digest all the unknown. :) http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/tween-and-teen-health/in-depth/menstruation/art-20046004

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